Vampire String Slime™ – Light Sensitive Color-Changing

(5 customer reviews)
  • 1 Liter – (33.8 oz)
  • Turns from eerie green to blood red when you hold it up to the light
  • Battery-powered black light included
  • Vampire Veins features a special dye that reacts to both regular and ultraviolet light in different ways
  • Explore the science of building polymers by cross-linking long chains of molecules

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  • Turns from eerie green to blood red when you hold it up to the light
  • Vampire Veins feature a special dye that reacts to both regular and ultraviolet light in different ways
Vampire String Slime
  • Turns from eerie green to blood red when you hold it up to the light
  • Vampire Veins feature a special dye that reacts to both regular and ultraviolet light in different ways
Vampire String Slime

Light Sensitive, Color-Changing

Explore the science of building polymers by cross-linking long chains of molecules

Veins are an important part of the human anatomy, but did you know that vampires need veins to transport all of their blood, too? It’s true. Vampire Veins are way different from human veins, though. You probably know that veins and arteries appear red or blue in humans. But, that’s not the case for vampires!

Vampire Veins are a creepy green color and, if you look closely, you’ll see that these eery veins have blood flowing through them! Well‚ not really. Instead, Vampire Veins contain a special dye that reacts to light in different ways. But the secrets don’t stop there… turn off the lights and switch on a black light. Great jumping Draculas! Vampire Veins are fluorescent, too! Try not to scream as you learn how to create Vampire Veins and discover the science behind them.

How does it work?

Vampire Veins String Slime works through the magic of polymers. Although String Slime starts as a liquid, through polymerization (the formation of polymers), the liquid becomes a solid and looks just like a string. Vampire Veins also feature a special dye that reacts to both regular and ultraviolet light in different ways.

What does it teach?

Young scientists will explore the science of building polymers by cross-linking long chains of molecules while also learning about the amazing dyes that are contained.

Vampire String Slime

Vampire Veins are Way Different from Human Veins

Vampire Veins are a creepy green color, but if you look closely, you’ll realize that these eerie veins have more than a few secrets.

Vampire String Slime

For Teachers, Parents, Grandparents & All-Around Science Adults

We haven’t forgotten about the new STEM and STEAM initiatives you’ve been hearing about in our schools, bringing Science, Technology, Engineering, (Art), and Math together to make young scientists into real thinkers! Look what your young scientist integrated into the Vampire String Slime activities.

Vampire String Slime

An Activity Guide Is Included!

Step-by-step instructions are included to complete two activities: Creating Vampire String Slime and Step-Blood Drops.

What’s Included?

  • 1 L (33.8 fl oz) of Vampire Vein String Slime
  • 60 g (2.1 oz) of Activator Powder
  • Blue measuring scoop
  • 4 oz String Slime bottle
  • Handheld Battery Powered Black Light (Four AA-batteries not included)
  • Activity Guide

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Customer Reviews

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5 out of 5 stars

5 reviews

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What others are saying

  1. traci

    Vampire veins - even more fun


    My kids, 1st and 3rd grade loved this kit. We’ve played with the regular worm goo before and loved it. But since the vampire veins stay liquid on the inside, we loved squeezing them until the laid eggs. Even just observing the jar of vein goo in bright sunlight was interesting. Had fun with the hand held black light also. Gave us a chance to learn about kinds of light outside the visible spectrum.
    We’ve purchased many items from spangler science and loved them all.

    (0) (0)

  2. Judy Thaler

    Awesome stuff!

    Judy Thaler

    Not only do the students we work with LOVE the vampire veins, so do the instructors! Totally awesome. The squeals of delight should be recorded. I purchased them when they were the Deal of the Day to give them a try. Would love to continue using them but they are rather expensive. I would like to see just the vein goo for purchase seperately, omiting the cross-linker and black light. This would make it much more doable for those who work in schools and non-profits.

    (0) (0)

  3. Amanda Jacoby

    Worked great!

    Amanda Jacoby

    I used this for a lab with my 7th grade students. They compared physical change vs. chemical change. It turned out to be a fun and memorable lab. It was a great start to my chemistry unit. I purchased 1 kit and I was able to complete the lab with 6 classes and I still have plenty left over.

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  4. Marlene Thomas

    One of the Best

    Marlene Thomas

    I use Steve Spangler products in my program constantly. The Vampire Veins is one of the favorites with the kids and with me. The first time, I was so excited with the results, the kids almost didn’t get the activity our of my hands! Steve Spangler products makes me look like a genius! (or at least, very cool, in the kids eyes!) Thank you Steve!

    (0) (0)

  5. Question

    James Nderu


    Hi Steve,

    I will be starting my Light unit with grade 1, How can I use INSTA-WORMS – VAMPIRE COLOR-CHANGING as an introduction. The students will enjoy how it works when black light closer. How can’t use INSTA-WORMS – VAMPIRE COLOR-CHANGING in my light unit as an introduction is what I mean.

    (0) (0)

    • lisabrooks

      Staff lisabrooks

      Different materials and consistencies absorb light differently. The incredible thing about Vampire Worms is the way that this is demonstrated. The wave length associated with “visible” light is longer and is only able to illuminate the outside of the worm – so you see green. The wave length of UV is very short in comparison and as a result it is able to penetrate deeper through the worm to reveal it’s eerie red inside.

      (0) (0)

  6. Question

    Stacee Neff

    Will this product be in stock before Halloween?

    (0) (0)

    • smack2021


      Sadly, this product has been discontinued and will not be back in stock.

      (0) (0)




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