Rainbow Snow Bundle

  • Create a fluffy fake snowstorm in a variety of colors.
  • This kit includes Color Fizzers and Insta-Snow® Powder Bag
  • It’s the most colorful blizzard ever!
  • Hands-on science activity guides included
  • What the experiment below!

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SKU: 855960

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Product Description

We’ll admit, we take a little bit of offense when someone says, “Snow only comes in white.” Apparently, they’ve never seen the Rainbow Snow activity. If you’ve ever played with our Insta-Snow® powder, especially with our Color Fizzers, you know exactly how superabsorbent polymers can create a colorful blizzard of the most realistic fake snow out there.

Insta-Snow isn’t just a cool demonstration, educators have found great use in sensory tables for early childhood and chemistry for advanced sciences!

No matter what quantity of Insta-Snow you choose, you’ll get all of the materials you need including mixing instructions and the scientific explanation. You’re getting a “WOW” factor with a ton of scientific application. Recommended for children ages 4 and up with adult supervision.

What does it teach?

Explore the ever-changing science of polymers as students experiment with Instant Snow. Each Insta-Snow product comes with an activity guide with suggestions for science fair projects and fun ways to explore the science of polymers. Within seconds, the liquid/powder mixture turns into a solid and then erupts into a fluffy, white snow-like material (no mixing required). Watch in amazement as it instantly expands up to 100 times its original volume.

Can You Reuse It?

The snow will start to dehydrate after a few days due to evaporation. Just spray the top of the snow with water and fluff the snow with your fingers to give it a fresh, fluffy look. You can also let the snow completely dry out to use it again. The dry form of Insta-Snow powder will last forever!

Color Mixing Chart

The Color Fizzers come in 3 primary colors (Red, Blue and Yellow) – Mix colors together to create Orange, Purple and Green! Here’s how to do it:

  • Red (red tablet)
  • Orange (red tablet + yellow tablet)
  • Yellow (yellow tablet)
  • Green (yellow tablet + blue tablet)
  • Blue (blue tablet)
  • Purple (red table + blue tablet)

Why Does Snow Feel Cold to the Touch?

Since the snow is almost entirely made up of water, the water is bound to evaporate. The process of evaporation produces a constant cooling effect. That’s why Insta-Snow is so much fun to touch!

Take it Further!

Try building a snow fort or an igloo by freezing blocks of snow using an ice tray.

What’s Included?

  • Color Fizzers  – True Color Tablets
  • Insta-Snow® Powder Bag 7 oz (200 g)

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