Young Alchemists – Science for Babies, Toddlers and Kids
By Angelique Felix
Young children are always experimenting! If you give your child a cup and a bowl of water, he will fill and pour, push the cup under the surface and watch the water rush in, and investigate why his sleeves get wet when he…
Leopard Reintroduction on a Wildlife Reserve in Malawi, Africa
By Jody Tilbury, Mud Hut Mama
We are lucky enough to live in a wildlife reserve in Malawi that over the last ten years has been restored, rehabilitated and restocked. More than 2,500 animals have been translocated here and there is a lot…
Cave Stalactites and Capillary Action
By Marnie from Carrots are Orange
Preschoolers can learn science too. If you don’t believe me, go and check out Steve Spangler’s website. Search his experiments and do one with your child. They may not get all the abstract concepts but…
Density in Action: Can You Sink a Marshmallow?
By Loralee Leavitt, Candy Experiments
At the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, DC, children crowd around the Candy Experiments booth. A volunteer asks if they’re ready to take the marshmallow challenge: “Can you sink…
White Winter Butter and Golden Summer Butter
By Jane Goodwin
In Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods – incidentally the first in the Little House series – Laura’s Ma churns the cream into butter once a week. Each day had its own work, in addition to the usual…
Make a Snowman Snow Globe
By Rebecca English from Here Come the Girls
This is a fun activity for older children to make to give as a gift or for decoration in their own homes. Although it looks expensive and time consuming, it’s actually really simple, quick and fairly…
Mad Bubble Scientist – An Indoor Bubble Experiment for All Ages
By Genny Upton from In Lieu of Preschool
Bubbles! Who doesn’t love bubbles!?! We certainly love them at our house, but with the weather getting colder by the day, blowing bubbles outside is NOT at the top of my to-do list! An easy…
Creating Unforgettable Learning Experiences
By April Oaks
Growing up, I did not like science. It was by far my least favorite subject. I didn’t understand it and it certainly wasn’t fun. With exception to an amazing physics teacher in high school, I never had any other teachers…
The Work of Scientists: Reasons to Read and Write
By Becky Spence - This Reading Mama
Real scientists read the newest research to keep up with the latest trends. Real scientists write their hypotheses, observations, and ultimately their findings in research journals and articles. Real life…
Eaten Your Fill? How to Experiment on Your Child's Leftover Halloween Candy
By Loralee Leavitt,
Kids love Halloween candy. But too much candy can lead to stomach aches, cavities, and health problems. What do you do if your kids collect more candy than you want them to eat? Experiment with…